Tweaking Umineko Wiki
Tweaking Umineko Wiki

This page is for tweaking Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Chiru. This patch will tweak Episodes 5 - 8.

UmiTweak Chiru Ver 1.0 

DO NOT ALTER THE CONTENTS OF THE PATCH FOLDER. Besides the voice arcs, all other arcs including sprites and backgrounds are tied down to specific paths. Removing them will not revert them to their original sprites, you will literally have no sprites or backgrounds if you attempt this. This patch is NOT interchangeable. 

How to change the default textbox: Within the patch folder, there are two .rar files. 



Simply open the one you prefer and drop the 'bmp' folder into the patch folder. If you decide to not use it afterwards, simply delete the 'bmp' folder and it'll go back to the original default textbox. 

Textbox Previews:



Mirror!lA43FJpR!31ChBoZxQW0kL8_0jnO5qp6v9wX9ltiELoFay4ghskc Simply drop into the patch folder and overwrite the nscript.dat folder.