Tweaking Umineko Wiki

Non English Version Differences

This page is for tweaking non-English versions of the game, including the original Japanese. This patch will not have CG(Except for the 07th Inquisition Patch) or voices, only sprites and backgrounds are included. (This is because CG and Voices are dependent upon the script, and the script is different for every language)

If the Non-English ver you are using has proportional fonts, you must use PONScripter, which can be found at HOWEVER, PONScripter is in an alpha ver and isnt stable.

Sprite Arc(arc1.nsa)

  • Download link: TBA
  • Instructions: Replace this with the arc1.nsa from the ORIGINAL GAME.

Background+Effect+System Arc(arc2.nsa)

  • Download link: TBA
  • Instructions: Replace this with the arc2.nsa from the ORIGINAL GAME

Opening Movie Replacements

  • Download Link: TBA
  • Instructions: Replace umineko_op and umineko_op3 in the movie folder with these files. Note that there is NO replacement for umineko_op2, as it doesnt work in onscripter because its an avi. Since its unused in the game, there's no need to replace it.

Spanish Nscript.dat with CG

  • Download link: TBA
  • Instructions: Replace the NScript.Dat file in your [07th Inq] with this file. If you want the PS3 Sprites and Backgrounds, you must follow the instructions above for arc1 and 2. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD ATLEAST THE ARC1 FROM ABOVE.

Mirror Links

Follow the Instuctions from Above
